Almathera Ten Pack 3: CDPD 3
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275 lines
Doc's House Review
For those that remember "Exploding Windows V1.4", this is a DOS 2.xx
version. It is not as dramatic in the default as EW 1.4 was, but it adds
another missing effect from 1.3x.
I made a little WBstartup dir, so all you have to do is drag it over
and perhaps edit a couple tooltypes after reading the docs. Or you can
(my choice) stay "pure" and add it to your startup-sequence. [Sorry!! I
just have this thing about draggin things here...there...everywhere.
Startup-sequences should remain pure so you can see what is going on and
easily edit them without dragging 50 icons around.]
Doc's House 614-855-3114
"The Thinking Man's BBS"
24hr 350meg HST V.42bis
E x p l o d i n g L a y e r s V 1.0
A window exploder and imploder.
(c) copyright 1992 by Andreas Schildbach
1. Legal Stuff
Exploding Layers is FreeWare.
Exploding Layers and the related documentation are copyrighted by Andreas
Schildbach, but may be freely distributed and copied for non-commercial
purpose only. Under no circumstances may you redistribute a modified
version of the distribution. Neither may any redistribution for profit be
made. Exploding Layers may not be included in a commercial or shareware
packet or any Public Domain disk series without the written permission of
the autor.
If you use Exploding Layers, you do this entirely at your own risk. This
program is provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind, either expressed
or implied. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the
program is assumed by you.
2. Introduction
I think everyone knows what a "window exploder" is. If not, just try it
out! I wrote this program because of since Kickstart 2.04 is out, I've
never seen a working window exploder again.
3. Features
- Explodes and implodes windows in a fancy manner.
- Catches all window resize and move events (including zip events).
- Works with all OpenWindowTags.
- Fully features Commodity environment.
- 2.04 only!
4. How to install
Just drag Exploding Windows to your "sys:WbStartup/" Drawer and edit the
tooltypes of the supplied icon if necessary.
Edit your "s:User-Startup" so that Exploding Windows will be run in the
background. Append all tooltypes you need.
Example: "run sys:Tools/ExpLayers CX_PRIORITY=0 STEPS_OPEN=40"
Supported tooltypes:
CX_PRIORITY = <integer>:
Priority to start the commodity with. Meaningless for this
type of commodity.
FRAMES_OPEN = <integer>:
Number of frames to be drawn at every OpenWindow.
FRAMES_CLOSE = <integer>:
Number of frames to be drawn at every CloseWindow.
FRAMES_MOVE = <integer>:
Number of frames to be drawn at every Move-/SizeWindow.
DONOTWAIT: [ Workbench only! ]
Forces workbench to NOT wait for ExpLayer's return when started
from "WbStartup".
STARTPRI = <integer>: [ Workbench only! ]
Tells workbench in which order to start all programs in
5. Usage
Just open, close and drag aroud windows. (-:
If you want to quit Exploding Layers, use the Commodities Exchange program
supplied on your 2.04 Workbench Disk. You may also want to temporary
enable or disable explosions. Use Exchange for this.
If Exploding Layers was started from Shell, a CTRL-C sent to the console
window Exploding Layers was started from will also terminate it.
6. Known problems:
Windows with the maximum screen size will not implode and explode when
opening and closing (though they will "replode" while resizing and moving).
This is due to a comparison that is made for filtering out maximum size
backdrop windows that can be found on nearly every screen.
Exploding Layers currently patches the functions "CreateUpFrontLayer",
"CreateUpfrontHookLayer", "DeleteLayer" and "MoveSizeLayer" of the
layers.library. If some other program also patches one of these functions,
you must quit the other program _before_ you quit Exploding Layers.
7. Acknowledgements
Thanks to Stefan Stuntz for some of his routines and beta testing.
Thanks to you for using this tool and reading the docs.
Thanks to Amiga for being the best computer ever.
8. Revision History
V1.0 (21.Mar.92):
First public release.
9. The Author
If you encounter some problems with Exploding Layers, please feel free to
contact me:
/* Snailmail: */
Andreas Schildbach
Possenhofener Str.21
D-8130 Starnberg
Tel. (08151) 3401
FAX (08151) 78880
Mailbox (08151) 78880
/* E-Mail: */
Fido: 2:246/46.0 (Andreas Schildbach)
I do not want to force you to pay any money for using this tool. But if really
want, I'm not the one to stop you... Here is my bank account:
Kreissparkasse Starnberg
BLZ 700 540 80
That's it.
Byebye, Andreas
10. Advertisement
T h e E u r o p e a n A m i g a S i t e
_ 2:246/46, Tel.+49-8151-78880 _
/\\ _ _ _ _____ /\\
/ \\ | \ / || || _ | / \\
/ /\ \\ | \/ || || | |_| / /\ \\
/ / \ \\ | |\/| || || |___ / / \ \\
/ / \ \\ | | | || || _ | / / \ \\
/ / _____\ \\| | | || || |_| // / _____\ \\
/_/ /________\\_| |_||_||____//_/ /________\\
_ _ _____ _ _ __ __ _ _____ ___ ____
_____ | | | || _ || | | || V || ||_ _|| _|| _ \ _____
\____| | | | || | | || | | || || | | | | |_ | | | | |____/
___ | | | || | | || | | || |V| || | | | | _|| | | | ___
\__| | |_| || | | || |_ | || | | || | | | | |_ | |_| | |__/
|_____||_| |_||___||_||_| |_||_| |_| |___||____/
A m i g a U n l i m i t e d
N u m b e r +49-8151-78880
(Ortstarif von Munich!)
P a r a m e t e r s ZyXEL V32bis V42bis - 8n1
S y s o p Andreas Schildbach
L o c a t i o n Starnberg, FRG
F i d o n e t 2:246/46
A N e t 91:5150/3
F i l e n e t ADS
O n l i n e 24h
H a r d w a r e Amiga 3000/25
10 MB Ram
390 MB Hard Disk
F i l e r e q u e s t s 24h except NMH
| | | |
| Request | [Normal Hours] | [Rush Hours] |
| Limits | 1:oo - 4:oo | 17:45 - 25:oo |
| | 6:oo - 17:45 | |
| | | |
| 24oo bps | 320k, 8 files | 160k, 4 files |
| 96oo bps | 1280k, 32 files | 640k, 16 files |
| 144oo bps | 1920k, 48 files | 960k, 24 files |
| | | |
<- List of _Magick Request_ Keywords: ->
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FISHDISK for a list of all Fish Programs.
[CRUNCHER] LHARC for the latest version of the .LZH and
.LHA uncruncher.
DMS for the latest version of the .DMS un-
[SUPPORT] MFR for the latest version of MagicFileRe-
quest (OS 2.0 only!)
MWA for the latest version of MagicWindow-
Activator (OS 2.0 only!)
[FISH] FCxxxx.LHA for the contents of Fred Fish xxxx.
Fxxxx-yy.LHA for the program that appears on the yy'st
place on the contents-file of Fish xxxx.
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